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PPA: A Chance to be the Best Broadcaster/Broadcast Journalist in Nigeria

Multiple award winning international broadcast journalist, Media Trainer, writer, News Anchor, Producer/Presenter, Funke Treasure Durodola is at it again. 

The General Manager of Radio One, an all news, all talk and all sports station is back with an internship scheme under the stables of The Media Mentoring Initiative (MMi).  This scheme, according to her, is to mentor people interested in becoming professional broadcast journalists.  The mentorship programme will include

  • Presentation
  • News Feature Reporting
  • Programme Production
  • Studio Management
To apply, click on this link

Funke Treasure Durodola who recently launched her debut novel, Memoirs of Grandma, started her career at the Broadcasting Corporation of Abia State in the year 1995 during her youth service. She received training in the rudiments of news feature production from Thomson Foundation, a foremost media training organization in the UK, where she obtained a certificate in International Broadcast Journalism from the organization.

She served with the United Nations' IRIN Radio as a Country Producer-Trainer on the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Project on HIV/AIDS focusing on transport workers and allied group in Badagry and Seme border towns of Nigeria and the feeder city of Lagos while the five -nation project on HIV/AIDS lasted.

Funke -Treasure has worked with UNICEF in collaboration with a child based NGO, Child to Child Network as a producer and trainer during which she trained about 30 street children on presentation skills to enable them tell their own stories about life on the streets.  Trained at the Radio Netherlands Training Center (RNTC) in May 2008 on the International Training the Trainer Course in Hilversum; she has co –organized and facilitated a reporting skills exchange workshop between German and Nigerian TV journalists with Human Trafficking as its theme. The two-week workshop held in Benin, Nigeria and Berlin, Germany.

This versatile professional has had a work experience with the BBC World Service honing her skills in programme and feature production. At the moment with Radio Nigeria with 15 years experience as a broadcaster.

Admist her busy schedule as GM of Radio One, she still remains producer and presenter of the programme, Nightline with Funke Treasure;a news talk show and Nigerian Pride which highlights and celebrates the achievements of Nigerians living in the Diaspora which airs on the Network Service of the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria every Tuesday at 5.30pm.

Funke Treasure has attended several workshops and seminars on Avian Influenza, HIV/AIDS and other health issues. She is the Vice President of the School of Media &Communication Alumni Association of the Pan African University, Lagos.


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