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Monday KickStart - Enjoyable Steps To A More Balanced Life

I found this piece very interesting and I thought it would be cool to share with my favourite people in the world, YOU, YOU and YOU. Enjoy

1. Mind maps are a great tool for balancing your left and right brain hemispheres, which will actually put your whole being in more balance. 

2. Walking can be so beneficial for you, especially if you’re not a very sporty person or you spend a lot of time working at a desk like myself. It’s been researched that just walking regularly can help decrease feelings of depression by up to 25% in a matter of weeks. 

3. Make a habit of going away for a weekend every month with your family and/or friends – you owe this to yourself for how much you work every day and sometimes we tend to forget that we are not machines, we need sleep, rest, nature, loved ones, good food, joy and time off from time to time.

4. Drawing is great for developing a balance between the left hemisphere, which we tend to use the most because it’s the one that deals with words, logic, number, analysis etc., and the right hemisphere which is where all the “creative juices” are hidden – this is the part of your brain that deals with rhythm, color, imagination, awareness

5. Cooking at home is great, but we need to feel taken care of once in a while and just enjoy our partner’s company. Allow yourself to eat out once a month at a nice restaurant and feel good about it because you are wonderful and you deserve it!

6. You might not see this advice anywhere else, but take a small loan if you have to and just go on vacation this year, feel good about it and deal with everything else later. You might find that, by the time you come back, things will look much brighter in your life. Just because sometimes, a short vacation may be all that you need.

 7. From where I stand, balance equals more happiness, but in order to feel happier you need to wear happy clothes. It’s pretty hard to feel happy when all you’re wearing every day are black, brown and gray clothes. Be bold and try on a green shirt, yellow pants, a pair of red sneakers or a dark blue coat.

 8. Try to introduce 1-2 healthier foods in your diet every week and soon you will realize that you don’t crave the bad stuff that much because your body gets used to the new way of eating.

9. Bach Flowers are very similar to homeopathy, but they work on a deeper level, on a vibrational level. They are great for overall balance because they work with your emotions and have the power to heal negative emotions. You can use them for anxiety, depression, tension, sadness, but also for perfectionism, procrastination, different fears, self-pity, to bring more faith into your life and to also help you say “no” when you have to.

10. A lot of people tend to get stuck to what they own because it makes them feel rich, which in fact, the underlying feeling is lack and that’s exactly what they’re putting into the Universe “I don’t have enough” – this is the exact reason why some people will never get rich or have enough

11. When we are kids, we tend to copy everything our parents do, good or bad because we did not learn to discern...

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