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PPA: World Mosquito Day with Etisalat

Malaria is the greatest killer of humans in Africa. malaria, a life-threatening illness contracted through mosquito bites, has been killing people in millions. But, for once, things are changing. According to the World Health Organisation, which released the 2014 World Malaria Report early this month, global coalition against the disease in the past 13 years has “halved the number of people dying from malaria.

In 2013, over 198 million cases globally was reported and 584,000 deaths globally as well.  90% of the deaths occur in Sub-Saharan Africa and 78% of the death cases occur in children under five years.
In 2014, 97 countries had on-going malaria transmission. 80% of estimated malaria deaths occur in 18 most affected countries.
About 40% of malaria deaths occur in just two countries: Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

According to WHO estimates, 3.2 billion people worldwide – especially in Africa – are at the risk of contracting or dying from malarial infection, while 1.2 billion others are at high risk. With global population at 7 billion, these statistics vividly portray the huge task ahead of the world in eliminating the debilitating disease.
Malaria can be very devastating. More than any other disease, it ravages pregnant women and children. “Every day in 2013, malaria killed more than 1,200 children under age five – a total of over 450,000 children a year. Most of these deaths occurred in sub-Saharan Africa,” UNICEF said in its December 2014 report.
As part of it's Corporate Social Responsibility,  and a way to celebrate World Mosquito Day, Etisalat presents a 'I pledge to eradicate Malaria' campaign. To be a part of this, simply click on the link below,

Fill in your name and email address as well as your phone number. Lets fight Malaria together.


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