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Hot Tea: 25 year old African American Lady Becomes Youngest Judge Ever

 I love it when women take charge and are appointed positions of leadership not because of their looks but because they possess what it takes;merit. 
Jasmine Twitty, a 25 year old African American young lady and a graduate of College of Charleston was appointed as a Judge in Easley, South Carolina .

Her appointment as the youngest judge ever in the history of Easley, South Carolina was as a result of her relentless work ethics.

Twitty is also the treasurer of the civil rights organization: Urban League of Upstate and a member of the Upstate Network Young Professionals Executive Board, who is recognized for promoting the development of young professionals and serving social and community action.
According to,  she  has long been recognized for her dedication to developing young people into professionals. Now, the young woman is solidifying her place in American history by taking her place on the bench
I wish her the best in her career and thank her for inspiring the next generation of movers and shakers. In the same vein, I think we need a replication of this in Nigeria, right?
Read more: www. 

credit: www.newsonline


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