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Most Wanted Nigerian Sex Slave Trader Revealed

TAKE YOUR TIME TO READ THIS...Once I get my hands on the video and  I will post it on here.

facebook: The Due Process Advocates

Madam Esther "Nicole" Otubo is one of the most dangerous human trafficker and sex-slave owners and a certified international criminal, and now is on the run. She is from Bayelsa State, Nigeria and has a daughter.
Her and her agents in Nigeria carefully select the girls - young, impressionable and struggling. When the agent has identified a girl, she will approach her and befriend her. She will send her gifts. The girl becomes comfortable and trusting of the agent. The girl quickly begins to address the agent as "Aunty". Meanwhile the agent sends the picture of the girl to Otubo in Dubai for her to confirm it was a good pick. When Madam gives her consent, she sends some money to the agent. The agent then opens a line of discussion on how to help the girl improve her life overseas.
As the girls work, they make returns each night to the Madam. Indeed, the girls go out at night and come back around 3am or 6am. Madam stays awake between those hours to collect the money from each girl as she comes into the apartment. The girls are not allowed to open a bank account. So, there is no possibility of cheating the Madam because all your things are in her apartment.
Facebook: The Due Process Advocates

The use of videotape for control is widespread, not only among the Nigerian Madams in Dubai, but other operators in the industry. It is a weapon fashioned on the human sentiment of fear. First the girl is afraid of dying of the oath (The oath factor is almost unique to Nigerians in the business). However shaming a person through a highly compromised video clip is a widespread practice in the industry, used even by the notorious Russian mafia or the Italian gangs all active in the industry.
In the instant case, Madam Esther got into difficulties with three of her girls. Surprisingly, the reason the girls ran away was not over money. They were all complaining that the Madam was cheating them by always denying that she received the amount she already received. (By the way, there is no reliable accounting or record-keeping because payment is done strictly in cash).
Also, Madam adopted other methods for cheating the girls. When a girl has come close to paying the inflated amount of sponsorship, the Madam resorts to what is called in the industry "direct capture". This is a process under which the Madam arranges with the man and collects the money from the man directly. The girl is then sent to the man or the man comes to a place where the girl is and have sex with the girl. Because the man already paid Madam, he is not bound to pay the girl anything, except a tip, if he likes. Now, there is a problem on how to treat the money that Madam collects directly from the man. They girls believe that such money should be part of their payment to the Madam. But often Madam does not account for such money, and she always lies as to how much she was paid by the man. She may collect $200 and claim she only collected $50. The girls were helpless over this. They just can't wait to finish paying in order for them to regain their freedom.
Facebook: The Due Process Advocates

But Madam Esther's greatest problem is that she drinks a lot and she is very physically abusive. She beats the girls and inflicts serious injuries on them. One of the girls I spoke with told me she uses knife to slash her face. She told me she ran away not because of money but because Madam assaulted her and threatened to kill her with a knife. She told me that Madam had agreed she had already paid $28,000 out of the $30,000. So, her reason for running was not over money.
Madam Esther is reputed to be a wicked woman. The girls I spoke to were all happy and praying that this investigation would bring the Madam down. They all want her to go to jail. But there is a big catch here. The girls understand that an aggressive move against Esther might force the authorities to deport both Esther and all the girls. And the girls do not want to be deported. This is actually the dilemma I face now. That is why I am preparing to pursue Esther in Nigeria, if not in Dubai. Esther's brother in Nigeria is involved in this business. She sends money to him in Nigeria for various projects, including a hotel project. So, that is a clear case of money laundering, which gives the police and the EFCC the power to arrest and prosecute her brother and to wait for her to come back.
As at the moment, these girls that appeared on video are terrified and traumatized. They are too embarrassed to come out. They immediately withdrew from the social media. Esther made sure she sent the videos to the families of the girls in Nigeria. In one of the cases, she sent the video to the boyfriend of one of the girls,
Madam Esther is currently on the run. She has been informed that we are after her, that we are trying to get her arrested. She has also withdrawn from the social media and disconnected all her known telephones and moved out of her apartment. She is basically on the run at this moment.

Esther maintains an apartment at Building 68 room 202, Street 5, Discovery Garden, Marina, Dubai. In that apartment, she keeps at least 5 girls that she had trafficked from the country of Nigeria to Dubai. (She has 5 other girls elsewhere in the middle east). These girls range in ages between 16 and 22. There were sourced in Nigeria by her agent in Nigeria.

Culled from Facebook (The Due process Advocates)


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