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Inspirational Bites with Seun Sanni - QUALIFICATION

I TOO KNOW SYNDROME (ITKS) is the first child of pride which is also prone to lead to destruction. Many of you have been to different types of job interviews, but still you don't have a job.

Some of you blame your lack of employment on the person that interviewed you, your lateness, your dress code or even Satan. You've never for a moment blamed your pen, your instinct or your behaviour.

Brethren, "ability to get your desire always depends on your credibility. And your credibility is determined by your aptitude".

You wrote in your CV that you are a team player, but in your conversation everything you say is you, you, and you.

How can you make an effective and enduring change in an organisation when you yourself is not organised. Your employer wants to see in action whatever you have claimed to be in your CV.

Many of you lie about yourself and what you can do, little do you know some set of people can see through you your lies immediately they see you.

They discover you to be something else from what you put in your CV, shame on you.

Be yourself for once brother, a snake can never be called a cat because their appearance will reveal what they are.

Say the truth about yourself from now on, organisations now employ people based on the reality, the truth they say about themselves not by grammar or unreal cast or title you build around yourself.

Discover true self now and change, don't let an outsider discover who you are and disqualify you.



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