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Hot Tea: Nigeria Gets Brand New World Trade Center Complex

Nigeria is set to join the league of countries with a World Trade Center Complex. Abuja, it's capital city, is about to get a new heart: a brand new World Trade Center complex. More pictures after cut

The development is expected to open to the public early next year after the completion of the first phase of construction.
The World Trade Center has a network of 323 locations in 89 countries, it started in 1970 with the inauguration of its first in New York City.
Funded by local and foreign financial institutions, as well as private investors, to the tune of 200 billion Nigerian Naira, or just over $1 billion, the WTC Abuja will be the largest mixed-use development in West Africa. 

WTC Abuja has been under development since 2010, on a lot spanning over six million square feet in the Central Business Area of the capital.
The location offers easy access to the city center and the airport, with a dual-carriage highway surrounding the site and a new light rail system currently under construction.
For business tenants, though, the most important connections will be those with the global network of 750,000 entrepreneurs that make up the World Trade Centers Association (WTCA).
"One of the missions of WTC Abuja is to improve trade relations between Nigeria and the rest of the world," Vinay Mahtani, CEO of the site's developer, Lagos-based Churchgate Group, told CNN.
 "For example, it will enable international businesses to make investments in our community. Ties will be forged between government agencies, non-governmental organizations and international corporations, and the additional business that is captured within the walls of the World Trade Center will provide tax revenues to government which can be used to improve the welfare of the people."

 To read more, see

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