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‎Inspirational Bites with Seun Sanni: BLESSED IS THE HAND THAT GIVES

"Responsibility is the only solution to the war that is ongoing around the world. We all have to be responsible for one another most especially with our giving.
When you give, you're automatically saying no to poverty and if poverty is eradicated from the land no one will think of going to blow him or herself up for a cup of rice.

I plead with you leaders of churches, I want you to please teach the true doctrine of love not how to benefit church only, but also outer world. How will you preach Jesus Christ, the prince of peace when the environment of the church you reside is without peace?
The world must survive this current hiccups, because it is your failure as a spiritual fathers of glorious churches that the country is without peace even at your watch.

A good shepherd protects not only his flocks, he protects the flocks and the environment in which they resided. Do not calve yourself out of this stormy season because God is watching, He's waiting to see what you will do. Teach your congregation that blessed is the hand that gives than the ones that takes. The little kindness you show to the needy shall speak more of you.

Jesus Christ spent most of His earthly life with sinners, needy and sick people of His time. We read from the bible that Jesus provides for them. Be a true imitation of what you preach tithes and offering goes into the church account, whatever help you render to that beggar in the street shall also come back to you not only church tithe and offering."

Seun Sanni works at Thomson Reuters as a Television Producer. Although he is an introvert, he tries to have fun in his own way.  For more of his inspirational bites, you can follow his facebook page: 


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