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Inspirational Bites with Seun Sanni : HINT

Life is like a whole junk of rubbish, but in that same junk, you find opportunities that will reshape your life and beautify your path.

If you are alone at the garbage site of choice, whichever one you make is a new path that will lead you to life or death, happiness or regrets.
A bottle does not feed itself with water, it is humans that feed it. Therefore, you cannot lift yourself to a certain position in life alone, you need an helping hand.
Searchlight cannot automatically authorize itself "ON", it needs human dictum to function therefore, listen to every instruction that come to you with humbleness and good attitude so that you can learn through the power of word.
Philosophical sayings is the key which reveal clue needed to build a new world.
Discover your tomorrow in your yesterday and build your future around the imagination of today.
I saw myself traveling from a fertile land gradually into a desert. I diverted the journey into a bush by the right side of the road because I saw a couple also going that way.
At the extreme of the bush I saw people at a bar jiving and they welcome me as though I was a hero.
I danced to the tone of their praises and I asked where their restroom was because I had set my tank free.
I was directed to a restroom, I opened the door and I discovered that the room is so small for me to discharge what I have inside of me.
How does that sound to your ears?
You have a long way to go in life, stop being desperate about future; you never can tell maybe the future is meant to destroy you.
Sometimes life journey may stop for you at the age of 30 and you still have 70 more years to live. That means your labor after that 30 years will be nothing because you've reached the end of your journey.
Children, you have to work hard when you have the strength and create time for yourself even when there are no time because you don't know when your boarder gate will be shutdown.
Don't live your life like a senseless fool, live it as a fool who lived by instruction.
Wisdom is the enemy to her benefactor because when you try to be smarter than Mrs. Wisdom, she will watch you fall into destruction without alerting you.
Man should be a body guard to his woman and coach in his home.
Take my advise children of low sense. It is better that you are silent than to be heard as a folly.
Quality of a good wife is in her called Adefunke.  She's the virtuous woman of my time. Her character is sensuous and her beauty is glamorous, she possesses everything that men desire in his home.
Wisdom is the key.

Written by: Seun Sanni


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