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#MyHustle : Tennie Phillips

In recent times, many will agree that the average privileged Nigerian Youth has more than one job, hustle or stream of income. Many reasons are said to have led to this trend such as personal/ individual circumstance, environmental or market related opportunities and lastly, societal/cultural factors.
Interestingly, some say they became business owners generally because, their regular 9 - 5 wasn't sufficient to afford them the lifestyle they desire. For others, its an escape route to pursuing their passion especially when their main source of income pays well but isn't fulfilling and lastly, for another stratum, its for recognition. Above all, many have embraced entrepreneurship and are pushing boundaries with it.

 Everyday from now, on this blog, stories of different creative and innovative young Nigerian entrepreneurs, home and in diaspora will be shared. Essentially to promote entrepreneurship and motivate others yet to make that Bold Step. Today we feature Tennies Touch.

Tennie Phillips is an IT Consultant and a makeup artiste. She is the founder of Tennies Touch Makeup artistry and she shares her story.

What motivated you into makeup:

To be honest, those that know me from way back can attest to the fact that I wasn't your everyday 'girly' girl...I will say curiosity led me to this line. I pick up a magazine and I'm stunned by how the individual's eyes look or how rich the colors applied on her lips look etc. During my NYSC, I bought a brush set and some products to try 'recreating' all I've had locked in my head. I looked like a circus clown when i was done but deep down I felt a genuine sense of excitement and knew that I had to keep trying, go to a proper makeup school and keep practicing and I will get better.
How long have you been doing makeup? I can confidently say 4years.
What's the biggest/most memorable moment for you?
When 2 of my secondary school mates called me out of the blues to do their traditional wedding makeup...and 2012 when i participated during the arise fashion week as a makeup artist with House of Tara...I met and made friends with amazing people who are still my friends till today. We have supported and encouraged each other to do better and be better.

What should we look out from your stables?
Plans are still in the pipeline but will be shared once everything falls in place.
To contact Tennies Touch, her facebook page is Tennies Touch Makeover and her instagram page is @tenniestouch.


Unknown said…
Go Teni! Kudos
Febi said…
Nice one , Teni and Tara. May God continue to bless our hustle.
Unknown said…
Go Tenny,go Tenny go.Am proud of u sis.keep the flag flying.Thanks Tara for bringing up such an artiste
Taraspace said…
Thanks ladies...

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