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Ruth: Episode 2

Statistics show that 3% of single women of marriageable age in Nigeria are undisturbed by their lack of a spouse! The other 97% would do just about anything to become Mrs Somebody! Is this data this valid??? 
This is a story of just one single lady and not meant to represent all. RUTH, Chronicles of being a singleton in Lagos.

Inspite how eager I am to get on with my story (Lastweek's episode), I feel you deserve to know who this yet another talkative is.

I am Ruth Pearse, I am in my 30s and I am single, clichĂ© right?  I am also a journalist at an International news agency. It is quite an interesting job because I get to meet different people from the entire social stratum and tell their story. One of the perks of being a journalist is that you get awesome exposure, but like every career, it has it's cons: I don't own my time so I have little or no time for frivolities but I will try as much as possible to take you along with me every inch of the way. Just promise me you will be patient and understanding as well. Deal???

Due to my dedication to my work, I will grade my social life an average score, partly because most of the friends I grew up with are now married or engaged and can’t live as freely as a single girl like myself can, hence no one to actually kick me back to reality when work takes over. 
Note to self:  I need to get me new ones as soon as possible. Only single girlfriends should apply within, ladies we can kick it together and enjoy our singleton stage all the way.

This doesn’t particularly mean I lack buddies especially when I feel the urge to hang out and have a really good time; I want to believe every girl my age has those ones. In fact, I recommend that you should have friends for different reasons. 
  • Travel buddies (the ones with a natural hyper drive to pump you up when you are down with home fever)
  • Shopping buddies (these ones have bargaining and negotiating strength; they know how and where to get the best deals)
  • Gist buddies (Every meeting, a new tale. There’s always something to gossip about)
  • Stylista buddies (They know the newest trend in town at the tip of their fingers and will hook you up when you want)
  • Turn Up buddies ( They are the life of the party and you are certainly safe in their hands at the end of night and you are wasted; nothing gets them drunk) and finally... 
  • A Friend (for the heart break nights, trying to make a strong decision, they tell you the truth without mincing words and are not jealous of your accomplishments; you help each other grow).   

I love food albeit I belong to the fit-freaks group. Nothing brings so much joy to my soul like the sight of a neatly and professional placed meal. Thanks to an adventurous friend, I've discovered where to get the juiciest ribs/steak in Lagos. And yes!!! I love Champagne (comes with the territory, Class rules errything) and a new alcoholic cocktail I created: shots of tequila, berries, iced tea and lime.  
Currently, my poison is Ruby Red by Andre. My weekend is set with a few glasses of it, classical music and a book, life is good!

I know I seem to be self-absorbed, right? But then again, if I don't love me, who will? 
When I'm not earning my keep, I love to volunteer. I am an active member of the Girls Guides and I am loyal to our motto which is “give a helping hand”. Becoming a member of the Girls Guides is one of the most memorable things that ever happened to me. I know how long I secretly pursued it and all my attempts appeared futile. Every month, the association organizes a pep talk for young ladies to inspire them. This I find very revealing because during each talk, I meet young girls that are experiencing what I experienced some years back; making the right decision, career wise. I am glad that through the Girls Guides platform, I have being able to help some girls make that decision early enough.

But all is not rosy for this vixen, my relationship life is somewhat funny. In subsequent episodes, I will share my past, present and perhaps future relationship experiences with you. Get ready to laugh your hearts out as you read along with me. Ciao


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