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Grown-Up Stuff

If you are visiting my blog for the first time, I say welcome and I'm glad you opened it up.  If you are a regular visitor and in fact you have subscribed to my blog, I have nothing but love for you. I know I am guilty of taking frequent breathers but blame me not; Lagos is so not the easiest place to live in for a girl with multiple jobs like myself.  I can promise you however that from this post on, I will become more frequent than ever. Trust me on this one. 

Now to the business of the day….
Disclaimer: Like the headline says, Grown-Up Stuff, and in my books that means you must be above 25 years to understand this. Thanks.
I can trust you not to judge me right?  So let's get into it. I am one of the most committed users of Google. What can’t I search on that site, nothing actually…So on one of my jobless days, I decided to log in “how to be brilliant in bed” over a billion answers appeared on my screen: “signs that you are awesome in bed”, “five mistakes you should never make”, “ten signs that he will come back for more”, … Sadly, it wasn’t until I scrolled to the end of the page 11 that I found one suggestion about what guys can do to please us (ladies).

 I know you must be rolling your eyes already, just don't let it fall. Now, let’s turn the tables and discuss what most women think and often discuss with their female friends and some male friends, what makes good sex: from imaginative and varied moves, a partner who’s equally committed to enjoying it and is generous with their favours.
It should be all so simple, truthfully, but when you consider the above, it’s no wonder so many of us worry about not being good enough in bed, while others bend backwards (literally) trying really, really hard to be.
Personally, I believe it’s because there is no clear cut way to gauge our levels of brilliance. Most things we want to excel at can be measured using some form of scale, but when it comes to sex, what is our basis for comparison? We can rely on our partners for feedback but how do we trust that they are not just being nice or perhaps, mean? Or the chemistry isn’t just there.

It’s unbearable to imagine him with his ex or another woman (The ghosts of the other woman) and this just undermines whatever confidence you have or offer a false sense of insecurity. This is not to say it is impossible or unacceptable to compare and hard not to, with so much anecdotal material everywhere, online pornography is as easy to get as A B C. How will knowing that some girl up north who can dislocate her jaw like a snake and lives to give oral gives us a realistic sense of scale? Truthfully, nothing can, because there is no scale or performance stakes? You can stretch like a gymnast and come like a train, but if the chemistry is not there, the sex will feel bi-dimensional and disappointing.

Another thing is we often fall prey to comparing our sex lives with others. Because Mr and Mrs Jones have it every day don’t mean a thing, don’t fall for that hype. Some couples infuse extreme activities into their sex life for spontaneity sake but it’s always best to understand yourself and your partner before indulging.  I watched a movie on Youtube lately and a couple; Jack and Jill(J & J) noticed their sex life was lack luster, and they began to think of ways to revive it. Then one day, the lady suggested they have an orgy with their neighbours; Romeo and Juliette(R & J). So they set out to achieve their aim, first they got close to this couple, studied them and made them R & J trust them, amazingly, it didn’t take so long. One day, Jill confessed to Juliette that she and her husband haven’t been having the best of times together so they thought about having an orgy and they would rather have it with their neighbours than with anyone else. It would be their little secret.  I would have been surprised if Juliette refused, she welcomed the idea and they did it. This worked for them; it might not work for you. Key to great sex is good understanding of you first then your partner, as well as communication.

A healthy sex life is not defined by how often you do it. If having it several times a day, a week or month works for you, that’s fine – and despite all you  read, not all couples are designed to have a red room of pain, build S&M dungeons, enact their fantasies or have sex in restaurant toilets to have an intensely satisfying erotic or kinky life.  For most of us, the simple intimacy of allowing ourselves become utterly absorbed in the taste of smell, sounds, sight and feel of the beloved other is electric. In fact, while sex toys, costumes and role play can inject a bit of fun and adventure, it can sometimes act as a distraction from the fact that there’s something missing. 

If your sex life does need work (there’s almost always room for improvement), it’ll be something you definitely have to work on together, because you’re both equally responsible for it, whether you admit it or not.
The only thing we should be rating is the quality of the sex we are having right now. Let’s get two things straight: brilliant should describe the experience, not the performance. And great sex is not the performance; it’s the experience….I DROP MY PEN

Live, Love and Learn

PS: Keep the comments rolling in people, I would certainly love to hear from you.



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