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For The Love of Jordana (True Red and Holiday Red)

I'm writing on something a bit different today, and like my blog description says "This, that and so much more". So every now and then I'll be dropping some beauty product reviews, food recipes and and travelogue. 
This is my first, so after you've read, tell me what you think.

I've been itching to review this product a long time ago but I wasn't convinced....yet. Until I purchased two new shades which I really love. This product is not as popular as MAC, Wet n Wild etc but it is very affordable, I got mine 500Naira in one of Lagos most popular markets, Balogun in Nigeria.

It comes with very classic package ,  It has just two types. The normal with a simple lipstick tube with black and silver case and transparent cap while the matte has a black and gold colored case.
(Top - Bottom: Matte, Normal)

The lipstick is not attached to the tube so if you don’t put the cap back carefully, it will scratch the lipstick. The packaging does look very cheap but you’ll stop complaining about the packaging right after you give it on your lip. It’s very impressive!  It suits my skin tone so well, leaves my lips very soft for a very long time unlike a popular, unnecessarily expensive lipstick I know and the fragrance is UH-LA-LA, chewing gum-like smell which is quite mild!!!

Those who know me well, know how much I love red shade lippies. From MAC's Ruby Woo, Wet n Wild's Hot Red and everything in between but none has really done it for me until  I got these beauties. The lipstick is bright red with pinkish undertones. Its not creamy but it feels thick and leaves a burst of colour on your lip. I personally love this about Jordana's True Red and Holiday Red. Its a very hot red but you can still pull it off on that date with your man or on your ladies night out.

(077: True Red and 064: Holiday Red)
 The most surprising about these lippies is that its neither frost, matte or shimmer. Just a regular sheen finish which if you blot a little makes it a matte. Its great for this season and its perfect for my caramel skin tone. Both reds have a pink and blue undertone.

(L - R: True Red, Holiday Red Jordana Lipstick)
Here's a word of caution, they've got tendencies to really look bright especially if the rest of the face is dull. What you can do to reduce it from standing out on you is to use it as a lip stain.

True Red Lippy on my Lips
You can try it, its a great red if you wear it with a lip brush or as a lip stain, good for beginners and less adventurous.Best for that long awaited date or night out with your girlfriends.  Its not a blue-based red but a soft pinkish red. It might feel a little stiff and more like a stain than a lipstick. That's my beauty review for this week, I will review more of my favorite Jordana Lipstick shades next time.

Have a fantastic weekend guys and i'm expecting your comments.



yemmy said…
Nice job Tara....back to d matter, I have d the purple shade called FIESTA, whenever I use it people adore my lips....Very nice products from Jordana
Taraspace said…
Thanks yemmy. I just did a review of the Fiesta as well.

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