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Thank Me Later...

Girlies!!! be honest. What would you do if you found out that your precious Brazilian, Mongolian, Peruvian, Cambodian, European, Fumi, Remy and what not was actually made of goat hair??? hehehe

Its no longer news that many of these weaves, wigs and hair extensions are got from China. It is big business over there but what we don't know is that a large quantity of these weaves are mixed with goat hair.

As reported by BBC, high costs of purchasing authentic human hair has made most weave manufacturers in China to resort to cheaper, more affordable ways to make their business more profitable. 

According to Lily, a weave seller in Guangzhou, China, nearly 100% of her buyers are from Africa. Nigerian, Ghanaian, Congolese and South African scour the impressive hall for the best priced hair extensions available.
Hair drying in the sun

She says '"It's good business for me, but the problem is we pay more for the hair now, as living and production costs in China are higher now."

She went further to describe what she does to make her business profitable, she buys a mixture of human and some quantity of goat hair to lower costs, she also uses fake scales when weighing out hair to customers.

"We say it is Indian hair or Brazilian hair, but in fact it is normally Chinese hair or even goat hair. They never realize. This is the only way we can keep things cheap," she says, adding that her customers always drive a hard bargain.

Who knows, you might just be having goat hair as 'Brazilian' weave without even knowing.



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