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5 Frogs you should never kiss.

This might shock a lot of my readers, but I'm going to anyways. So I've lived on this face of the earth for twenty something years and I know quite a lot of things some of my peers don't.
I hear that a girl should not date more than 5 men in her lifetime before she settles. This brings me to the question "is there no difference between dating and a relationship?" If you have an answer, please feel free to share with me.
Me thinks there's a difference, going on dates means you're not officially exclusive to one person. You can see other people but in a relationship, it demands your loyalty. You can disagree if you please.

May I add that it's OK to go on a couple of dates with prospective partners till you are sure you are ready to go the long walk with just one of them.  I don't subscribe to cheating although it's almost inevitable that one of the couple might fall victim.

Never lose yourself while you are in relationship. It should be about companionship. You should also have your life going for you even if that person’s no more. Do you and let him do him. Be happy, hang out with friends. It’s actually advisable you build a bond with your partner, its not easy but the moment you succeed, all the rest is easier. Old folks tell me that certain situations in marriage completely fade out love that the only thing that keeps each partner sane is the bond of friendship they have. 
Now to the reason I write today.

 5 Frogs you should never kiss.

The Sweet Mouth: Brother can flatter more than the Prince of England. Darling this, Sweetheart that, you are cupcake, pumpkin pie, diamond etc and you aren't even dating yet. Don't be deceived. It doesn't mean anything. He going to do same to the next thing on the line even you don't date him. He's so sweet with words; he will mesmerize you till the point of melting. Before you know what hit you, he's gone.

The Broken Heart; He's the guy who seems so sensitive and caring when you first met and tells you the heart-wrenching story of his past broken relationship. And soon you'll find out that he's still nursing a broken heart from the relationship he had with someone ten years ago. Face it, if he lives in a haze of self-indulgent gloom and loves the drama of his own misery, you'll never get through no matter how much time you spend trying to mend his broken heart. So give up and get going.

The Un-organized: This man right here, I can't deal with. I don't think any girl who's got a good head on her shoulder should tolerate him either. The in-organized doesn't have a clear plan when or where he wants to take you to. It’s probably when you meet you start deliberating on where you want to go to. This should happen only when you two are official, exclusive partners. I expect you should already have a plan and please be creative while at it.The whole dating period, I expect you make conscious effort to impress me while I give you all the reasons to want to date no other woman than me.

The Blabber: 'I'm a very busy man, I have a lot on my table, I have a lot of girls on my case but it's you I want. Just say yes and I’ll put a barricade around myself , I have been to every where in world, money is not a problem to me' and all the crack bullshit some guys blab! I expect any girl to walk out on such guy and have nothing to do with him or his bloodline, yes his bloodline. They might have some inherited traits of piss taking.

The Canceler: so he calls you up, fixes a date with you. Tells you how much he misses you and can't wait for the both of you to meet. Then a hour to the proposed date, brotherman calls in to apologize that he won't be able to make it. I'm like 'what the hell do you take me for?' this boy is taking a piss. Yep, only a BOY does that in my books.

I'm sure some of us have met such guys and you can relate to this list. Feel free to add your list of Frogs girls should never kiss. Next post will be on Frogs all girls must kiss and never let go. 

Till then have a lovely week ladies and gentlemen. 

Peace, Love and Stay Fit.

PhotoCredit: Google


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