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My Two Naira Thursday Thoughts: Defining Beauty

My name is one very significant name, Omotara but I'll explain that some other day.

I am a bright, beautiful young lady and I have my parents to thank. Most of us have been trained to conceptualize the idea of beauty as being perfect. Perfect physique, perfect eyes, perfect lips, perfect hair - in other words, too perfect to be human.

The question of who decides who is beautiful is one that has always puzzled me. So I decided to do a bit of 'investigating' on my own.While indulging in a long gist with my girlfriends over lunch, I asked them to define girl who's beautiful. They all sang the same song, the girl with a fine, well chiseled face and a sculptured body. With this I rest my case.

Does being a size six as in UK dress size, having piercing blue eyes{contact lens},high cheekbones, a Mexican tan and a 'professionally' chiseled face, make me beautiful?  And if so, does having brown eyes and pale skin guarantee me earning this prestigious title of being beautiful? And if I am dark-skinned, will I be able to compete with any Hollywood goddess?  

The pressure to be  perfect, created by us, the media, has unfortunately gotten numerous girls into a frenzy. Many girls have indulged in seemingly unnecessary dealings just to get appreciated by their fellow girl. Yes, the competition is not to get attention from a man but its within ourselves as girls.   Many girls today turn to prostitution, which all stems from different reasons such as low self-esteem,insecurity and broken homes where their worth was seldom validated. What happened to ''what counts on the inside matters'' and being''pure of heart''?

Growing up as a black child, I was blessed with thick, stubborn, long and unforgiving hair, but my mum always assured me I was the most beautiful girl ever. Even though the world will try to define what beauty means which all types of adjectives,  I quickly learnt that trying to meet everyone's passive expectations was humanly impossible.

A dear and wise friend once told me that ''A jewel of exalted beauty lies within your soul. Consider that a ruby can be nothing but that, and never a sapphire. Aristocrats may deem a sapphire of greater value,but the fun is to know a ruby possesses more of the creator's kiss''.

 I personally believe than anything can be purchased based on material value is worthless. It's is on these words that I choose to base my self-worth and validate who I am.

So then, when I'm asked who I consider to be the most beautiful person in the world, I'll majestically raise my chin, brush my shoulders off and reply. Me!'' 


Because at the core of it all, I am perfect, whole and complete. God is my artist. He created me. I am His definite work that can never be surpassed. And you want to know a secret? So are you!!!
So just for today, raise that chin, slip off those stilettos, treat yourself like a ruby and shine in all your beauty!


That's all folks
Peace, Love and Stay Healthy


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