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My Two Kobo Thoughts Thursday for Lovers

How this gist with my colleague and I at work started I don't know but It inspired me to write this.

So we were watching a political rally and we noticed one of the prominent people present was busy grinning at his mobile phone while his wife, the first lady of that state was smiling cheerfully while waving the party's flag. My colleague at work concluded that he was probably sexting his bae and couldn't be bothered about the stupid rally anyways. He probably couldn't wait to jet off to meet his bae already.

I was amazed at her thought and I argued that he was probably tweeting about the rally, checking updates and reading news online. She disagreed o! She said the average black man is a cheat as long as he has roots from Africa. So I allowed her continue, and she explained that she had heard so many reasons why men cheat and she can only blame the girlfriends or wives.

This reminded me of a friend (Tomiwa) that became a serial cheat overnight. His reason.... his wife.

 Fade his wife, is an epitome of beauty. The debutante kind of girl with milky skin, smelling all fresh and clean. Class is all that oozed out of Fade and It made her very attractive to many men. She was able to hook my hot chocolate something friend down with her charm and wit.She is also a good cook mind you, so its not all glitz and glam. Now, you might begin to wonder why then did her hubby, my friend, become a serial cheat.

Fade changed overnight.

Although she was still the sultry queen to everyone else. To her husband, the man who should matter the most, she was plain. He started complaining six months after their marriage how boring she became. She was acting like an old wife already, wore hair net and tied wrapper all over the house. He didn't expect this. He was expecting a bum short wearing kinda wife. He felt since had mind-blowing sex while dating,it would be amplified because it would become more constant. What Tomiwa got instead was someone who became uninterested in love-making, complained about headaches and mysteriously elusive.

There were times he would try to get her to elucidate her fears and talk about herself but it always ended in a fight. Tomiwa couldn't take it anymore so he began to cheat.

I don't personally subscribe to sex before marriage but (sometimes you meet someone that makes you break those rules). I'm just being real. However, in marriage, sex should be enjoyed at least before the kids come around. Explore each others bodies, release inhibitions, let loose and bless everywhere you both can with your presence #izallowed

I once told someone that my husband will be the luckiest man on earth, no dulling for us o. sex is legal for us so we can like to do as we both wish. No boundaries whatsoever...except it
involves an orgy, a threesome and anything that screams adultery. Otherwise, every other activity is aimed at pleasing us so we can over-indulge if we both desire

First, you need to understand your strengths and weakness, your level of adventure and what you are both willing to try. Know your partner's sexual preference. Its important you understand what makes the other person go up the mountain. It might take a long time but eventually with patience, you will. Never give up.

The power of communication in any serious relationship cannot be over-emphasized.You need to be able to talk with 'not to' your partner and vice versa.  it has to be mutual, this way everyone is on the same wave length. What I don't get sometimes is when one party complains that communication is bad but you haven't really, genuinely tried to understand why.

Listen to each other. The third party will definitely give you all shades of Dr Phil framed advice on love affairs but the best adviser is your heart. Listen to yourselves clearly and objectively too.

These are my two kobo thoughts for couples out there. I am no authority in this but my widow's mite won't hurt if shared.
May Cupid's arrow find its way to your lover's heart and bring them back to you.

Peace, Love and Stay Fit.

(PS: These names are not names of real people, just names you can relate with)


Olamide said…
Nice piece
Glad to see u are back
Taraspace said…
thanks olamide
Elohor said…
Great tots Tara, Couples can get 'His Needs, Her Needs by Willard Harley for more insights.
Taraspace said…
great suggestion, I should check it out and give my review on it. thanks elohor.
temitope said…
Good write-up. Some Sexologists say that only few married couples have healthy and active sex life. Hhhmnnn.....But I think the Nigerian cupid as of lately has been shooting his arrows in the wrong direction. I guess he's into politics...... LOL
Taraspace said…
@temitope, you are so right about this. Thanks for sharing.
I really like this one. I can surely relate because I have a married friend who says her husband wants to kill her with sex. So she more or less has timetable for them to do it. I pity her........just saying. God forbit it for me though. Lol.
Taraspace said…
TIMETABLE! Bet Why??? She needs to get talking now with her husband and explain things with him. I'm sure they can reach a compromise. That Time table is like a time bomb waiting to explode. God forbid he goes out and meets one girl whose sexual appetite suits his, your friend might be giving a leg over in no time. #justsaying. Thanks @YETUNDE

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