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The Most Horrific Video I've Seen In A Very Long Time

As I was going through my instagram pictures early this morning, I noticed a particular video made rounds on different handles. So I took a look at that of @senseiuche and what I watched was very displeasing and disheartening.

Apparently, the lady in question seem to be a nanny catering for the child. The child while being fed threw up maybe she was ill and couldn't consume so much food.

The supposed baby nanny instead of pampering the child, she pushed the child off the settee forcefully and began to beat the child seriously with what looked like a torch.
My simple description might not do the video enough
Justice in terms of the emotions that troubled my mind. I fear for so many working mothers out there, I also fear for some of us coming up.

I had to go to lindaikeji's blog to get the video's URL. So I implore you to watch and see for yourself. It might contain violent displays so if you  don't have the heart to, don't watch it.


Unknown said…
A sad one indeed. Every mother should do well to be, the prime care-giver to their children. No one else would take care of your child better than you. If work schedules gets too demanding, then devise a smart way to juggle maternity and career pathway. That would save humanity the agony of seeing such disheartening episodes.
Unknown said…
A sad one indeed. Every mother should do well to be, the prime care-giver to their children. No one else would take care of your child better than you. If work schedules gets too demanding, then devise a smart way to juggle maternity and career pathway. That would save humanity the agony of seeing such disheartening episodes.
Anonymous said…
@Amara, what if the baby's mother just stepped out to buy drugs (assuming the baby was sick) when the incident happened. Pls don't be too quick to judge her mum. God bless you...
Who filmed this though?

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