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Rapee and Rapist

Last month a story about an alleged rape incident was reported by The Punch Newspaper. According to it, an unidentified suspect was killed while trying to rape 22 year old Ifeoma Okechukwu. The incident happened at about 12:30 pm, around Atlantic View Estate, Alpha Beach Road, Lekki.

She told reporters that she was on her menstrual period and had gone to get sanitary pads. As she was returning from a supermarket she noticed she was being followed and suddenly accosted by a man in his forties. He insisted she took him home and threatened to kill her if she didn't comply so she did. As they entered her home, he ordered her to take off her clothes, he wanted to rape her. She began to beg and of course he didn't listen to her.

'So I told him to let me get to the kitchen to get something, I picked up a rod and hid in my wrapper.I slowly moved towards him to beg some more but he still didn't listen. He began to take off my clothes and wearing a condom when I took out the rod and hit him in the head. I started screaming and called my uncle.'

Her uncle who pleaded anonymity told reporters that he had gone to Ilasan Police Station to make reports.
While investigating the case, a police source at the scene of the incident found a pack of condoms on the deceased as well as a phone without a sim card. He added that no one has come to claim the man's corpse.

More of this story you can find in The Punch.

I wish to follow this particular story up, why? because it has sparked up an investigative streak in me. I really analysed the story and I feel there's more to it than meets the eye.

Lets follow this story according to the facts stated by the victim, unfortunately the alleged rapist is dead so he can't speak.

  • She lives in an estate
  • She was on her menstrual period
  • He followed her to her house on her way back from the supermarket
  • They got into the house in an estate together
  • She told the rapist to allow her get something from the kitchen
  • She went into the kitchen and picked a rod
  • He was taking off his clothes and wearing a condom at the same time
  • She hit the alleged rapist in the head with a rod and he died immediately  
  • After which she started screaming and then called her uncle
  • Her uncle pleaded anonymity when he went to report the case at the Police station
  • The Police found condoms in the deceased's pocket and a phone without a sim card
  • No one has come to claim being related to the corpse 
Having stated all these, in my opinion, its quite suspicious how an alleged rapist would follow his victim all the way to her house as she walked, how he'd wear condoms to rape his victim, allow his victim go into the kitchen, what if she had a gun, what if there was a pathway out of the house? how come no one has come to claim his corpse, someone who belonged in a gang that was terrorising Lekki residents? where did the sim in his phone go to?

Anyway,she used the opportunity the rapist had given her, picked a rod and hit him in the head. A strong man in heat, a violent person by profession.  Is a 22 year old indeed capable of killing someone? Is she really 22, did she actually kill this man? why did she scream after killing? she lives in  an estate, if she had screamed from the onset, wouldn't the neighbours have come to her rescue?

Lastly, how can an uncle. a relative plead anonymity? According to The Punch, he told the police that it was after the killing had happened he decided to call the police and make a report. 

The girl is presently in Police custody at the moment. She probably would be charged to court.

I need some of these questions answered though so feel free to leave your comments and who knows, we might just find our very own Nigerian Sherlock Holmes. 


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