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Mummy North!

Guys, I have come again o!. This time, its about a certain Mummy North. I will gist you all that happened since yesterday till now.

Imagine how just a few photographs can stir up the world. Power of Social Media or perhaps InstaMedia (Instagram)

So I was told Mummy North was on her own when Paper magazine walked up to her, requesting that she'd be the cover girl for their #breaktheinternet issue. As a sharp 34 year old nursing mother of Armenian blood, such an offer must not pass her by. Considering the amount she was going to get from it which by now we know would be no chicken fee. 
My very reliable sources say it was actually Mama North that suggested the nude photos to The Paper Magazine.  Even its director told us that Mummy North said 'if we are gonna do it, let's really go there'. 
According to him, it was Mummy North's idea to take off her clothes and show more butt. She was willing to take off her clothes.... Hmmmm, things we watch on TV. She must have been on a fried rice diet to have this much
Mummy North quickly rushed home after sealing the deal, ordered for her hubby's best meal and wine (we know she can't cook). Served him and gave him a very warm massage after his meal, as she did, she slipped the news slowly into his ears.
Daddy North jumped up immediately ' Lailai, what will Baba and Mama Blue think about you now. You know she kuku doesn't like you, but now, it will be worse. My Daughter nko, No o', he said. Then
Mummy North began to cry, and started strutting her stuff all over in her sheer night wear (perfect weapon). When Daddy North saw this, he knew if he didn't dance to her tune, no sugar for him for a very long time. He can't afford to miss that. Sharply, he began to rap, hailing her, calling her all sorts of sweet names like how she's his bitch'... long and short sha,  he consented to allow her take the most controversial photoshoot ever. Obviously, he didn't have a choice before she pulls a divorce stunt on him. 
But where was North in all this? They forgot about her totally. She heard their conversation but she couldn't speak out. At least, the money her Mummy will get paid after the shoot will eventually be spent on her or to pay for the expensive designer bag she painted on the other day and other more designer items she had destroyed already. Ta lo lo mo apa (who give birth to wasteful children)

Finally, we've all seen the pictures online. Its theme is tagged 'breaktheinternet'... if she didn't do what she did, how would she BREAK THE INTERNET? successfully

She is unarguably the Most Popular celebrity in the world when it comes to controversies. Her Hubby is no different, that's their world. They both knew people would react, tongues will roll, the pictures would go viral and cause chaos in the land. Bad news keeps the media in business, Sex appeal is a strong tool many advert agencies use to sell their brands. Mummy North is incontestably sexy wherefore she makes the best candidate. 

She killed the stunt so well. Have you forgotten what a business woman she is with a (bit of an ibo woman's business acumen ), do you know how many millions of dollars she has already gotten? When North grows up, she understand all her mother did, she did out of love for her... I rest my case. 
haters, you can have a

Photocredit: Paper Magazine


'lawunmi said…
really??? i dont think she needs dis at all abi she has started feeling neglected? no more noise abt her so d next thing is dis?? she soo doesnt need dis.
Unknown said…
She makes the world go round...I can't get enough of her. keep it coming girl! Hell is waiting though.
Unknown said…
She makes the world go round...I can't get enough of her. keep it coming girl! Hell is waiting though.
Lipglossmaffia said…
The annoying thing is she didn't even get paid for this cover. It was just to create buzz.

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