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Super Friday Fun: Kissing with Closed Eyes

Hi people, it’s the beginning of the weekend, whoop whoop! I am particularly excited about this weekend because it’s the first weekend after my graduate exams and I feel super cool. It also marks the first weekend of the rainy season in Nigeria and it has been rainy every day since a week so I know I am going to be making love to my bed all weekend long…ain’t nothing better.

On Monday, I read this article about people that don’t know how to kiss and I feel its an unforgivable sin not to know how to kiss! If you fall under this category, Youtube is your friend for practical tutorial. Here is something that can help too. Just dip, nibble and twirl or curl in a sensual and slow way, you don't need to rush.
  • DON'T BITE, 
  • MAKE IT MORE INTERESTING BY LICKING SOME MINT  (secret potion) Hope it helps.
So back to why we are here. Guess what I discovered!!! People still kiss with their eyes closed. It beats my imagination even though I have been guilty a couple of times but even with all the western civilization, the "claimed" exposure, most couples still very much close their eyes while they kiss irrespective of the age. I would really like to know why this is so. Who actually invented this custom? It’s like when your eyes are not closed during this activity, you are violating a sacred principle. Even the bride and groom while sharing their first official kiss do same.

Picture this, you meet this super delicious looking person, everything is on point. This said person stimulates your mind, sets your toes tingling, and there’s something in their eyes that makes you just want to lean in. They fill you with this desire that all you want to do is know what it feels like to be up close and personal. So you give in to the insane urge to just taste, experience, feel, sense, KISS and guess what, your eyes are closed.

Now, some experts have explained that the reason is more about the senses and wanting to feel the kiss to its full effect.  With the eyes open, your brain is focusing on all of the stimuli you are surrounded by in addition to the feeling you get from the kiss. 
I had this conversation with a couple of girlfriends and male friends too and they said while kissing, it’s natural that your eyes are closed. It’s almost like your brain just shuts your eyes. A male friend said the most hilarious. According to him, a girl that doesn’t close her eyes while he’s kissing her is a wayward girl. She has seen it all and he might not take her seriously. Can you just beat that? 
 Although, I know I have always felt that the feelings are much more intense when you close your eyes because your focus is just your internal feelings and the kissing experience without all of that other interference, opening your eyes while kissing this person might just distract you and you won’t be able to experience the full effect especially if the said person is a great kisser. Trust me; you want that experience to linger for a lifetime.  
This is just me talking, I was able to get response from some people on my blackberry messenger and here’s what they had to say:

1. You wouldn’t want to see what you look like while kissing, so neither would your partner;
2.  Its weird enough to kiss with your eyes open, but even weirder to make moaning sounds;
3.  Its bad for your eyeballs to look that close at anything;
4.  For females, it ruins everything if you’re fantasizing about Chris Attoh when you know the man you are kissing isn’t even close;
5.  For males, if you’re kissing in the middle of intercourse, with your eyes closed it’s easier to imagine kissing that video vixen;
6.  With your eyes open, your lover’s nose looks bigger and funny;
7. Its just natural and it creates chemistry between the kisser and the kissee.

These are just a few of the responses I got. I would like to hear from you and in fact, I implore you to kiss that special somebody this weekend with your eyes closed and then with your eyes opened and share with me the experience. I'm sure it will be fun.  I will share mine *wink*. Have a great weekend

Live, Love and Learn.


bolanle said…
Nice piece, I was enjoying it till u mentioned Chris Attoh #sonotafan

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