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PINKTOBER: The October month for Breast Cancer Awareness

My first encounter with the alias 'Pinktober' was last year while I was working as a field reporter for a foreign media company at one of its base in Lagos, Nigeria. I was assigned to cover the annual Genevieve pink ball and write a script for broadcast about it. 

 I had to read all I could about breast cancer, its causes, symptoms and prevention. This was how I got to know that October is also called Pinktober which means the pink month; a month dedicated to create awareness of breast cancer. 

According to statistics, one in every eight women will get breast cancer. This alarming statistics is the reason why world over, events are organized around this annually. 

In Nigeria, one of the most popular events organised for this cause is The Genevieve Pink Ball. This is a fund raising event to help gather monies for people diagnosed with breast cancer. This disease along side cervical cancer is one of the most deadliest killers of the feminine gender especially in Nigeria.

However, this year as a field reporter at Reuters, I decided to do yet another story on breast cancer awareness in Nigeria and I chose to cover the grand event tagged #12KLLP as an element in my story. 

This year, Nigeria made an effort to break the Guinness record by forming the largest human ribbon in the world. 12KLLP which means 12,000 people Light Lagos Pink.
#12KLLP was an event organised by the Sebeccly Cancer Care Foundation in Lagos, South West Nigeria to gather 12,000 people to form a pink ribbon. 

That's the ribbon behind me

With a wendy williams 'How you doin' hand pose

I stumbled on Temilade, an old friend

In line of duty with Reuters Lagos Bureau Videographer, Seun Sanni

After work, we play

The event was well organised. Although it was slated to start at 9am, the ribbon formation did not start till 12 noon. The sun wasn't 'user friendly' but I guess it was better than a rainy day. 

Finally, I doubt if this Pink Ribbon formation made the 12,000 people mark, but it was indeed a very good effort. I foresee a bigger ribbon come next year. 
Away from the whole event, the highlight was when I met Mrs Oyegbile (identity hidden) at the event and she shared her story. She advised all those going through the pain not to give up. Its quite a tough experience but with the right medication and support, they have better chances of surviving and become Champions. 

My footnote is : Please check your twins as often as possible. Early detection is the best and surefire path to victory over the beast called cancer. 


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