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A Good Man

Is a man who calls his woman at least thrice a day, once in the morning when he wakes, at lunch, when he about to have his first real meal, and at night to share how his day went, hear hers too while they plan to conquer the world together just before he kisses her goodnight,                                              

He uses her pictures on every social media platform he finds available even if he's not a big fan of P.D.A (public display of affection), if it makes her happy. He sings or mimes to songs that remind him of her, record his voice and sends to her. He knows the right thing to do. He buys her gifts, sometimes big, sometimes small. He shows off because he's proud of her. He let's go of his ego completely, she's his ego now. He pushes her to be all the best she can be. When she's upset,even if its for the wrong reasons, he apologizes. He's not weak, far from it. He just doesn't want the argument to linger, he always wants her happy. That's when he is happiest.

A man who pampers his woman, cherishes the ground she walks on. Never hesitates to make her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. He sees her wrongs but doesn't make issue out of it. He makes the best out her.

He never keeps records of her wrong doings, her forgetfulness and maybe, just maybe her stubbornness. He definitely knows even in her most stubborn element, she still needs his opinion. He is never vindictive, his heart will give the blue whale a run for its money. He trusts her completely, she didn't earn it by the way. She knows his every move,from the exact time he sleeps to the time his alarm wakes him up. He's that open.

He makes love to her like she's a work of art, a painting, tenderly and passionately. When they are done, he's filled with smiles, joy and
love. She refreshes his soul, makes him brand new. Her touch sends shivers down his spine. Her kisses makes his heart melt. Her honey pot has just the right honey to feel him up. She's nature's gift to his soul.
And when it's time to take it a notch higher, to seal the deal, make her completely his, he wastes no time. He knows out there in a land of werewolves, his red riding hood is not safe. His ruby, his precious stone, his light in the dark, his queen, his cupcake, his best-friend and lover is not safe. He makes her his wife, he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Even when she's grey and not as pretty as she used, he won't too. He wants to make children with her, oh! They must have her looks, her ways and maybe his brains.

Love is a beautiful feeling. When you find your soulmate, everything seems perfect. Love is not proud. if you care about your woman and love her, tell her. It won't remove anything from you, it might be the key to making her stay.

This is to all the good men out there who still understand what it means to be in a love affair, a marriage etc. A good woman is hard to find so if you've found a good woman, make her feel so. Its not a threat but the truth is if you don't, some other man will do so for you and if you think you are better off without her, wait till she's gone then we'll know who's the boss. 

Have a great weekend guys.



Anonymous said…
'lawunmi said…
Unknown said…
Nice piece hon, it is so true

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