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UKWU by Timaya

        Timaya, a Nigerian from Bayelsa state is an award winning artiste that makes effort to send a clear message through his music,most times in unique ways. Whatever theme it is about, he makes sure his viewers are not lost or battling with their head to relate the content, and message of the video to the message of the song itself. Although lately I must admit he now displays a lot of 'x-rated content' in his videos which restricts it from being viewed on Nigerian local television stations due to the strict National Broadcast Commission rules and regulations governing them.  He is not the only one though, many recent videos have been restricted as well. Who is really to blame for such trend, the artistes or the present generation?
  I watched the Ukwu after so much hype from friends especially the male folk. This video owned by Dem Mama Records boss  himself Timaya,was recently released. It was directed by Mr Moe Musa. Ukwu means waist.
      The video kick starts with Timaya as a doctor examining X-ray results. Outside the hospital, two nurses try to help a one-legged male patient sit on his wheelchair and keep him company afterwards. Suddenly a half dressed lady passes by. Out of surprise and excitement, the one-legged man stands and tries to run after her. He was unlucky.....
  Scene 2 has a couple walking down the road and talking as the same girl in the 1st scene passes by them too. The boy distracted, got stuck looking at her waist roll as she walked in front of them. His girlfriend noticed and got upset and did the whole 'initial gragra' we girls love to do. hehehehe.

   The last scene is with two policemen arresting a thief. Our 'seductress' walks past them and they lose focus on their initial mission. The thief escapes and they arrest the girl in-place of the thief. Timaya as a constable in the local precinct, the officers and those in jail got mesmerised by this girl as she was brought in and everyone went gaga dancing......... THE END.
        The production of Ukwu video is obviously top notch. Very clean, clean and crisp. The choreography, breathtaking. A lot of local and international dance steps were present. In summary, a very energetic video but I am of the opinion that a video doesn't need to have explicit content to send its message clearly. There was a part in this video a very big buttocks was shown. I mean, I think it was unnecessary. If the meaning of Ukwu means waist according to Timaya, then butt showing shouldn't be.

2) The 1st scene where Timaya was a doctor was also unnecessary.
3) For a local term as Ukwu, I believe the video would have been better interpreted by Nigerians, using Nigerian ladies dancing in their local steps that also has a lot of waist whining as well without having to display buttocks all up in our faces.
   In all, the very hilarious Ukwu video has my 5/10 average score. If you havent watched it, would like to watch it again or observe the points I noted, below is a link to view it. Enjoy

                                                         My two kobo.

   Have a great week ahead guys and remember to Live, Love and Learn...................Peace

PS: Please I would like to have your comments on this review, what do you think?


Anonymous said…
Nice write up. Keep it up girl.
Anonymous said…
Lovely write up Tara.
Artistes should learn to stay within the confines of the message of the song and use more of local content.
Unknown said…
I buy ur review...i fink being more indigenous wif such title 2 d song wud hve bn beta...

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