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OLUCHI by Solidstar ft Flavour

         Joshua Iniyezo is a Nigerian dancehall artiste, producer and songwriter. He released his first hit single featuring Tuface - One in a Million in 2010 which I believe introduced him officially to the Nigerian Music industry.
        SolidStar as he's popularly called is known for releasing top notch videos and promoting the Nigerian language. With 3 major music videos such Omotena, Skibo and most recently Oluchi in his kitty, Solidstar has been able to prove his versatility and creativity. He is certainly not a one hit wonder.
       This multiple award winner is presently signed to Achievas Entertainment. He always brings to the table a distinctive blend of reggae, R&B and traditional African music, a factor that sets him apart.
 Oluchi which was released some hours ago is yet again something 'Fresh' from the 'omotena' crooner. I watched it and I must confess, it is very international.Oluchi from the video depicts a beautiful girl Solidstar is in love with.
       The video begins with Solidstar singing with his band while Oluchi, a young girl with a very captivating smile makes few apperances. I'm glad that the Oluchi is not scantily clad or wearing a suggestive outfit like many other videos we get to see these days, Thumbs up to the director and producer of this video.

 Solidstar swings the mic out, Flavour catches it, and Scene 2 begins with flavour and his own band singing his verse till he passes it back to Solidstar, joins him on his stage and they start to sing together.
       So I don't seem partial or make it look as if his video has no fault, here is one aspect of the video I have a problem with:
Enough with  the stage and band concept. Can we try to do something else,please. Its becoming cliché. As much as I believe he's trying to meet both the contemporary and international standard, this doesn't stop him from thinking more out of the box.
       Above all, its a great video, I like the moving/swinging microphone concept, #soft. I must also confess, Solidstar's stylist does a great job all the time. So from the depth of my heart I give the video 6/10 which I believe is above average.

 If you haven't seen the video, click on the link at the top to watch or download it.

   Don't forget to post your comments on this review. I'd love to read them.

Till next time, Live, Love and Learn.


Kc. said…
Great music content from the artiste.
Nice revie, keep it up 'Tara.
Kc. said…
Great music content from the artiste.
Nice review, keep it up 'Tara.
Taraspace said…
Thanks a lot. I appreciate.

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