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#DoubleHustle - Banking meets Hair Fashion

It seems like everyone in Nigeria is an entrepreneur these days. Could it be some sort of trend that will phase out after a while, the liberating and elevating feeling it gives to be addressed as a business owner and an employer of labour? Maybe it is an attempt to break even in the current economy reality we are experiencing, or perhaps an effort to change the stereotypical impression that only white collar jobs are the best.
In recent times, many will agree that the average privileged youth in Nigeria has more than one job or stream of income. As stated above, many reasons are said to have led to this trend.
It was revealed during the 2015 African Entrepreneurship Award event, Nigerians submitted 47% of all business proposals across the continent. According to research, West Africa recognizes Nigerians as very entrepreneurial. 
Safe to say that's our DNA. As a nation, we are faced with everyday challenges,  so it is not uncommon to see that we always find creative solutions to these challenges.    
That said, whatever the source of motivation is to become an entrepreneur, one thing is certain - it is indeed a good feeling and a great contribution to the country’s economy and employment.

Today, I feature Moyosore Salau, a 29 year old retail banker in one of Nigeria’s biggest banks, who also owns a hair salon – The Hair Center, launched in 2016 from a desire to help women “slay” their hair.

How long have you been in the hair business-
I started in 2007 while I was in 100 Level undergraduate at the Ajayi Crowther University. But in 2016, my sister and I partnered in opening a full blown hair outfit that caters to all hair needs

What's the biggest/ most memorable moment for you - 
There has been quite a lot but would keep it simple. When we got featured on the African naturalista platform, our first bridal hair styling and getting referrals from people we don't even know. 


What should we look out for from your stables - Introducing our haircare range. 

Words to other 'Double Hustlers' - Go for it as long as you know that is what is what you want. Remember to start from where you are and always thing big. 

You can reach her on IG @thehaircenter_.  And you can visit
 her hair salon at 40, Fola Agoro Road, Akoka, Lagos.


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