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My Escape Series 1.0 (Lome)

"Travelling - It leaves you speechless, then turns to a storyteller." - Idn Battuta

Part of my 2016 resolution is travel to a few under-reported countries, at least 3 of them this year and what better time to do that than during the Easter Holidays?
Nothing too fancy but good enough to serve its purpose as an excellent hideout away from Lagos and its chaos and heat as well as discover new culture and FOOD of course.

So, I cast my dice and it fell on Lome, the capital of Togo. I did some research about the country, checked out for conducive and reasonably affordable hotels as I wasn't expecting extraordinary, and I found Pure Plage. This is a beach resort hotel in Baguida, very close to the city's Grande Market and Port, and I must confess, it is the perfect relaxation spot. The therapeutic effect of the ocean breeze just calms you. The time difference in Togo is just an hour ahead of local time in Nigeria.

Togo is a small French speaking country in West Africa bordering Republic of Benin and Ghana, with a population of over 6 million people, that's like half the number of people living in Lagos.

The country's official currency is CFA which consists of 100,200, 500 in coins and 1000, 2000, 5000, 10,000 in paper notes. The Naira exchange rate according to black market as at March 26 to 29 2016 is 
N1000 = 1900 CFA.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Lomé is an important port, including a facilitated commerce zone opened in 1968. The city all in all has incredible potential, as tourism plays a huge part in its development. The city of Lomé is a run of the mill African city as in numerous styles, impacts, and customs are blended. A lot of red earth, with fabulous lanes and substantial squares, few huts and underdeveloped houses, a few high rising building, green enclosures, beautiful blue beaches and bright bungalow houses.
 Eminent points of interest in the city are Lomé Grand Market, the Togo National Museum in the Palais de Congrés, a fixation (voodoo) market, Lomé Cathedral, beaches, the previous wharf, the mountains and the waterfall.

Me and the Deep blue sea
STAY: Because Lome is literally surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, a few of the hotels have the typical ocean view scenery. However, I will recommend Pure Plage. Not only do they accept Naira, their service is top notch. Their reception is super. 
My budget for the trip for N200,000, which was apparently more than sufficient. The hotel room cost N13,150 (CFA 45,000) per night for a standard room close to the beach. Breakfast, lunch or dinner depending on your preference costs about 10,000 to 20,000 CFA.
Pure Plage (pronounced as pi-uh plhage) is a french word for Pure Beach, it is built on the shores of Coco Private Beach and it is home for many foreign tourists around the world.
Around the bar, swimming pool and garden, you can see very interesting antiques and wood work.  Nicely and neatly decorated place...Good stuff

The swimming pool
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Right in front of the beach

At Night

Day time
don't mind the fan, there's an air conditioning on the side

SEE: Mount Agou in Kpalime, on the outskirts of Lome. Best time to leave is 10am because it's a good 2 hours from town. Dress appropriately for mountain hiking and take your swimsuit for the waterfalls.

Mount Agou (Baumman Peak)
Mnument de l'independence
Coco Plage
Cascade Agbatui

Best Time to Visit: March to May, just before the rainy season and in December especially if you really want to tour the country. 

climbing Baumman Peak with my travel buddy

TASTE: Definitely seafood : Fish, squids, lobsters etc
Fresh water Grilled Barracuda and Fries

The Togolaise major informal business is farming and fishing. 
The power situation is good, throughout my stay, power went off only once and it was due to a heavy downpour. 

TIPS: Learn a little french, it will help you communicate with the residents. 
Make sure you know the exchange rate, else you will be ripped.
The best deals are gotten at the market, no where else. 
Make friends, Togolaise are very warm and pleasant people.
Beware of Local thieves.
Do not go to the voodoo market, not only is it scary, the smell is nasty!!!

In all Lome was live, and I'll be back sometime soon, maybe with a few more friends this time.

Watch out for more of escape series, hopefully with videos.

That's all folks


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