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Space Life Live in Ibadan

I am in the business of telling stories to the world. I love my continent Africa and who best will tell its story better than those of it? Well, part of my job requires that I rove and search for news. News is generally defined as stories that are timely in nature, involving prominent people or a mass number of people, sometimes conflict, sometimes new, sometimes strange, and sometimes bad (they say it sells the most). Basically what people want to know, should know and need to know.

Africa is a great nation and at its heart is my beautiful country Nigeria.
Nigeria is blessed with very creative minds and on my blog, I will sometimes share stories of Nigeria's most creative minds especially among the millennial.                                                       

I know the Hover-board trend is fast becoming the new 'cool' in Nigeria. I have seen a few Nigerian celebrities perform on stage on them. Some popular malls in Lagos hosts quite a number of hippy youths racing around on them but the peg of this story is that this lounge, out of a quest to improve customer experience, innovation and creativity provides all its workers with hover- boards to serve customers.

Oluwadamilare Tomi, a waiter at the Latitude
Yours truly and Tytbones (Senior Consultant, Latitude Cafe and Lounge)

I bring to you the first hospitality home that attends to its clients with hoverboards. This idea is the brainchild of Morakinyo Tytbones, a consultant at "Latitude Cafe & Lounge. When I saw the pictures of this cafe online, it piqued my curiosity. If I had seen this in Lagos, which is a metropolitan city, I probably wouldn’t be as surprised as I was when I learnt Space life is Live in Ibadan, a 5hours drive from the city of Lagos. I wanted to know what prompted the ingenuity. By ingenuity, I mean using Hoverboards to attend to their customers. Apart from going an extra mile to ensure customers get treated like kings, it is quite a futurist move by the owners of the lounge.

Tytbones giving me tutorials

While learning how to roll on one, I had a chat with the senior consultant, Morakinyo Tytbones and yes, your guess is as good as mine (Tytbones???). He explained that introducing the hoverboard to the restaurant has given their business an edge over the cafe's competitors. To him, it is all about strategizing and providing an experience that is second to none.

Seun Sann (Videographer of Life) posing on a Hoverboard

One hoverboard costs between 800 and 1,000 U.S. dollars (150,000Naira) depending on the size and brand. Some are equipped with blue under lights, bluetooth and music players making them even more attractive to potential buyers and a few Nigerians are have seen huge business potential in it and are making huge profit from it.

Hoverboards are similar to segways but are built without a pole and handle bars. They are self-balancing and most can carry up to 200 pounds.

Will this trend last for a long time? Only time will tell. 
 Do we really care? I don't think so, we just want to have fun, right?

Here's a video link to the story : HOVERBOARD

Till I come again with another story from Africa, Live, Love and Learn.


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