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Showing posts from October, 2015

Miss Ikeji

Hmmmmmm, plenty things are happening in this world of ours.  I know its impolite to eavesdrop on people's conversation however, some gists are too sweet to be ignored.  When was the last time you took a public mode of transport while moving around Lagos. I know the hustle is real and everyone is on a struggle to get a four wheeled drive but sometimes, the best experiences come from little things of life like the  humorous  conversations between a passenger and bus driver/conductor. I had my dose yesterday and I'll like to share the gist.

PINKTOBER: The October month for Breast Cancer Awareness

My first encounter with the alias 'Pinktober' was last year while I was working as a field reporter for a foreign media company at one of its base in Lagos, Nigeria. I was assigned to cover the annual Genevieve pink ball and write a script for broadcast about it. 

Life Etiquettes for 20 Somethings

If there’s anything the social media has taught me, It is that most people especially millenials don’t know how to conduct themselves in public. You should understand that bad behaviour is only accepted when you are in your teens but as you grow out of your teen years and hit 20 somethings, you are expected to take responsibility for all your actions. It is almost imperative that you must begin to learn how to be confident, exude grace and self esteem.  I’ll like to share some life tips that will definitely help you boost your confidence level, improve your self esteem and relationships, and could possibly lead to more leadership positions.