DISCLAIMER: This article is subject to the writer's opinion. please keep religious beliefs out of this.
Nudies is a cute term to describe nude pictures and 'nudes' according to Urban Dictionary is a picture of a semi-clothed/ unclad human body in a beautifully, artistic, idealized manner.
I presume everyone knows about the controversial word 'nudies'. This digital sexual behavior is part of dating and relationship landscape. I know some relationships have ended over it; potential relationships haven't even started because of it. It is indeed a highly controversial topic among modern day adults.
First of all, the idea behind nudies is not a new one. According to history, it dates back to the time of the Israelite when women would regale their lovers with sexy regalia (waist beads and a lot of skimpy dresses were involved) to signify the desire for intercourse or to entwine their lovers heart with theirs. If you watch Bollywood, you have a good idea of how Naijil moved her tiny waist back in the day. So basically, nudies are lewd photos sent to arouse the lover and keep things interesting between couples, increasing the half life of relationships as well as adding spark to it.
Undeniably, nudies keep the sex life of a relationship interesting which in any 'serious' relationship is very very important. Once the sex life is off the track, the rest are more likely to follow. Nudies help with that. Just like gifts and good meals help to sustain a relationship. I believe they are like food to your sex life.
It is absolutely necessary in long and short distances. Imagine sending a sexy picture of you to your man captioned with 'miss me'. This will not only give him a boner at the most inappropriate time at work but it will make him think so fondly of you, and the moment the clock hits 4pm, he will hurry home to you.
In a case of long distance relationship, 'sexting' i.e. phone sex are things that add spice to a relationship, it also helps to preserve the sex life in your relationship before you meet and tear each others bodies...I said so. The nudes keep him/her but most cases him of what he awaits if he remains a good boy... hehehe
This is not to say that nudies do not have cons, of course. The most suggested reason for the drawback of the exchange of nudes is the leakages on social media. Anyone who has a twitter account knows it gets pretty ugly. The thing is, there is nothing in life that doesn't involve risks, even taking a piss on the roadside when there is 'urinate here and pay a fine of N100.000' sign is very risky, but you will still pee anyway.
Secondly, anyone who has access to your phone or laptop might see these pictures, take them and use them as a tool to blackmail you. It doesn't have to be your partner, It has happened to a lot of people in this part of the world. Some cases of stolen phones have resulted to this type of blackmail. The thief didn't only steal your phone, he uses the pictures of your nudies to blackmail you.
Personally, with one's partner, I believe it comes down to trust. If you have a lover you don't trust with unclad images of yourself, then why are you in the relationship? Because if you can't trust them with your nudes, you don't trust them enough to share matters of your life with them either, all necessary for a long lasting relationship. DISCLOSURE.
It will be quite unwise for you to share your nudes with a man you just met in the club three months ago.....i mean. its your body!!! So you need to act with caution.
Lastly, Not every man gets a boner over your pictures, most just want to appreciate the beauty, i.e you in raw form. Besides, getting turned on by your naked picture is the highest compliment a man will ever give to it. It means a 250kb image of you is enough to get his blood flowing
......... what do you think?.......
Live, Love and Learn