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I had this friend from Benue State while i was still in presentation school. she gave me a different definition of love, the display of love she and her boyfriend showed would have made Romeo and Juliet jealous if they were alive. It was evident how in love these two were and they didn't even try to hide it.

Even more fascinating was that they were states apart, he was working and residing the South South of Nigeria while she in the west. Regardless, he was always with her and she with him. Phone calls, emails, blackberry and all forms of social media. They were in each other's space. Ordinarily, one would have thought their relationship would fizzle out in no time but NO WAY. They kept connecting and communicating every way possible. she'd take pictures of how she looked, what she cooked, where she went and all that, he also did the same. Sweet is the most appropriate word to describe their relationship,.

Fast forward  and its 3 years now since 2011, they are still together, waxing strong. Married and still brandishing their love everywhere. Blackberry and Instagram knows their story, no hater can kill their Living together happy in a world of their own. Its inspirational to see their love blossom in this present generation especially when sad, break up stories rule the day.

Truth be told, sustaining a love relationship in Nigeria is HARD! ahnahn.... You cannot show off your spouse o! for the fear of awon aiye ...I've heard from several conversations with friends that the moment you decide to brandish your love on social media or brag about how fantastic your spouse is. how he showers your with love and all that, and the aiye can actually testify to this, begin to kiss your relationship goodbye. Its in your own best interest to hide your love affair from the public. No one needs to know.

If you are in the habit of talking about spouse like they are the next best thing to blackberry phones to the world, then you are at the risk of losing that blackberry phone in no time. If every emotion you feel during the course of your relationship makes your profile status, don't worry because all those monitoring it then will remind you and even ask you. It will seem like they've been keeping a journal for you.

I love love, I melt when I hear love stories. Ask anyone that knows me well, I'm a hopeless romantic. In fact, I have this girlfriend that's getting married soon. After her boyfriend of 3 years broke up with her because of some family issues that they could solve,she met a fantastic man while she was in the UK for her masters. She told me this man loves her too much....and he's a Nigerian o! so for y'all that think our brothers don't know what love is.  The way and manner my girlfriend brags about her man ehn, omo na die. 'He's the Holy Grail of Boos'

Some of us have learnt to hide our lovers from social media,we hide the one we plan to marry, hide the news of our proposal,  pregnancy, new job,  that we are travelling abroad, in fact hide anything and everything the world is meant to celebrate with us. why?

Is it because we think people care enough about us to even want to meddle with us or our affairs, or do we think people want to have what we have, so we hide it? Well for some folks, it saves us less heartache especially when we cannot say with unwavering confidence where the relationship is heading. At least some of my friends do this often. I had a friend whose husband now i didn't know till their wedding day.The man you show off to world as the best might end of being the worst ever. There's no need to display your partner publicly, they say.

Maybe for the fear of badbelle and winches. Some people will actually wait patiently to see how long that relationship you are brandishing about online will last. They are monitoring every display picture you post. The moment  they stop seeing that man or woman's picture as your dp, O ROGO!. They will start to ask questions. Act familiar or desperate just to know the 411. 

Lastly, Its unfair not to consider private people, I also have a lot of these people as friends. They like to keep their private life private. Aint none of yo bitnis. I can't blame them, after all, its their business.

Now, I need your opinion on this. What do you think? Should the people you allow connect with you on various social media platforms determine how you run your relationship? Or do you think what will be will be even if you like hide that spouse tire?

Live, Love and Learn.....


Anonymous said…
i think having a private relationship is safe cos There's no much distractions as opposed to exposing them on social media. as u av said earlier "awon aye" won't pray for d relationship to work, u might also b putting ur spouse, lover in a great danger, my sis ...some pple no like better thing. people are so desperate that they can find a way to get every info abt u n try to make d deal fail. im nt saying its bad to share cute pictures of u n ur lover buh it all narrow down to those who are ur friends on social media. if, they are d one's u know well n they want good for u, then its fun to let them know how u feel abt a certain person u really love.
i love this topic.
Taraspace said…
Thanks darling.
Anonymous said…
beautiful post i must say....Welldone!
Taraspace said…
you've just made it more beautiful by reading and commenting. I hope you share.

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