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Happy New year guys!!! I welcome you my avid readers and followers to the year 2014. I’m very certain it holds a lot of exciting and memorable times for us, at least mine started on a very adventurous note.
my homie and I took a trip to the Lekki Conservation Centre situated in Lekki/Eti-Osa Local Government Area of Lagos State just to get a feel of nature and I wasn't 1 bit disappointed. In case you want to visit sometime soon, below is a brief road map.

 ROAD MAP: This is my best description given that I got there through the same route. After the Lekki toll gate, it is on the right side of the seventh round about. Chevron is the closest to the Lekki Conservation centre.
As you walk into the park, you might want to turn back as it seems not as big as it claims to be but wait till you go in. There are 2 entrances, on the left wing and on the right wing of L.C.C complex. We were escorted to the entrance of the mangrove habitation by one of the guides there. He took us to where the map into the groove is and left us to tour round. I got scared. The map informs you on what to expect as you tour round and they include:
 The bird hide   
 The rest stops
·         The tree house
·         The nature station
·         The swamp forest
·         The savannah dry land
       The crocodile lookout

You might want to know how you would walk through the swampy forest that inhabits various reptiles, there is a wooden trail boardwalk which had been constructed in 1992 to assist and enrich tourists’ view of the large land mangrove terrain. The trail stretches a length of 2 kilometres. There are several rest stops as you walk on the wooden trail round the forest.  There’s also a small house in the middle of the forest, you can view the crocodile lookout from there.
DON’T: Don’t go into the forest alone, it’s very confusing. Like a labyrinth *hehe*.

The highest points for me are definitely the tree house and the nature station.
The Tree House: it is stylishly seated on a very big dawadawa tree. A protected wooden ladder ruggedly is built behind the tree to enable nature enthusiasts climb to the top of the tree to savor the AMAZING CANOPY OF TREES.  I also noticed the ladder was shaking which really scared me and made me change my mind about climbing.
DON’T: If you are scared of heights, don’t try being adventurous.

The Nature Station: At the end of wooden trail boardwalk seats the nation station. The nature  station  recreation island in the middle of a forest. It has outdoor game facilities for mostly children.
 I was disappointed because I was really looking forward to seeing real crocodiles but none was in sight.      Although, monkeys were in abundance as well as birds.

In all, The Lekki Conservation Centre is definitely a wonderful place for nature lovers, a peaceful environment surrounded by compelling fauna and flora resources. I think its awareness is not much, and for a place like that, I was expecting to see different specie of animals apart from birds and monkeys. Lastly, I SAW NO CROCODILES, bet why? 

My bad,  I forgot to add the gate fee and its as follows:
for sight-seeing only - 1000 per person
for picnics without using the nature station - 25000 for 30 people
for picnics at the nature station - 60000 for as many as you. 40000 is the initial fee, 20000 is the refundable caution fee if you do not tamper or destroy any of the LCC facilities.

Till next time, always remember to Live, Learn and Love. 

PS: Be social. Read, comment and Share. xoxo


Anonymous said…
Added to my to-do list. Nice one babes.
Anonymous said…
Added to my to-do list. Nice one babes.
Anonymous said…
Very cool place......pls go check it out
Anonymous said…
Miss Johnson......
Quite an interesting read. The LCC is pretty much what we "fast-pacers" (or so I like to term Lagosians) can call nature. If you think clealy, it's as close to life as possible since almost everything, every entity, every atom surrounding us is generally man-fluenced - towering high-rise multi flats, businesses enclaved within scarcely built buildings - and alas! the little space we call roads are filled up with cars that are almost more than human beings on the roads........ I will surely visit and take a break from this trend called Lagos.
You know who!
Anonymous said…
LCC is indeed a great place to be with a loved one. The atmosphere there is simply breath taking. I had fun all the way. A very mischievous monkey even peed on our snacks and drinks.
Taraspace said…
@Tope : you should and I'd accompany you as your tour guide.
@Miss Johnson's friend: the LCC is mystery in Lagos. 10mins drive away from the park, you're faced with the hustle and bustle of Lagos. The LCC is like a break from the norm. You should go there.
@Anonymous: those monkeys ehn!

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