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My Padi's Babe

It’s a bit rare to find a girl writing about what the everyday man experiences but truthfully I have more male friends than girls (I wonder why though) but I feel comfortable in their midst.
    Recently I got to find out that snatching a friend’s partner is as common among the males as it is among females. It usually comes in this trend.
You have a friend and one fine day, he meets the girl of his dreams and falls in love. A few weeks later, he introduces you to her. You’re happy for him but you’re totally falling in love with his girlfriend.
 Ever been there? …
Almost all guys have…

On one hand, you’re happy for your friend. He did find a great catch and they just feel perfect for each other. But yet again, you’re jealous. His girlfriend is the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen and you can’t stop fantasizing about her, or wishing she could be with you instead of your friend. When you’re a guy, it’s easy to instantly get attracted to a girl you meet, even if she’s your PADI’s babe. While girls take a while to build the whole bonding thing, guys just don’t care. You like a girl, and you want her.

You probably knew the girl before your friend met her or your friend met her through you but you never asked her out.  Now she’s with your ‘PADI’, she becomes even more attractive and you are beginning to see her in a different light or perhaps, you’ve never met her but everything about her is just perfect, perfect for you. You start to play the role of bestie to PADI just to get close enough to the girl. You often times tell her how much you like her especially on those days she runs to you or reports your PADI to you. Gradually she confides in you. You advise her and teach her some few ‘favorable’ tricks depending on who gets favored. All these just to get the girl where you want her.

Two things come to play here. She either begins to like you and/or starts seeing everything wrong in her boyfriend, your PADI. She gets entangled in a love web and might likely pick you over your PADI. You win the girl but lose your friend depending how close you are to the friend and the kind of relationship he has with the girl ….or…..She settles whatever made her and your PADI drift and then tells him all you told her. You lose the girl and possibly your PADI.

Do I have a witness? 

Finally, I know I’m being a bit bias but when you like a friend’s new girlfriend or even an old one, you’re definitely on unstable ground. It’s like seeing fire and wanting to play with it, you’d get hurt eventually.  This is not to say there’s no solution, like we say in my beautiful country Nigeria and most spoken language which is Yoruba *if you didn’t know* oyinbo toh shey pencil lo shey eraser which means nothing is beyond repair. There are just two things you can do:
·         Steal the girl.
·         Admire her from afar and eventually forget about her. 

      Do you like a friend’s girlfriend? Of course you do. But now that you know the odds and the ways, do something about it. But always remember to think with a clear head. And never jump to conclusions. 
My two kobo though, option 2 is the safest.  Till next time remember to Love, Live and Learn……….


Anonymous said…
Nyc wrk hun! More ink2ur pen!
Playy said…
Its reality in black and white. Couldn't have been done better!
Anonymous said…
I know a story similar to this. Funny
Anonymous said…
So, this is what you have been cooking! Nice aroma, though not all friend are like that.
Anonymous said…
Option 2 is just the best ..... FORGET ABOUT HER ...... #JAG
Anonymous said…
Hahahahahahaha!! U dis babe ehn
Anonymous said…
Nice write up kip it up gurl
Anonymous said…
Much as the article is on My 'Padi's Babe' the tendency tends to be the other way round,where the said babe begins to compare and contrast with her man and his padi. Girls evaluates more on what their guys should be,and not be,which if they see in his friends,use as a parameter that he should be, Let's not even restrict this article to a 'Padi's babe'. In general context,stats shows that women suffer more from this syndrome. Truth be told,guys admire their padi's babe only for one thing *** hardly for relationships. Girls admire their guys' pals more than for *** even for keeps.

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