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The wright write

Hey people, It’s been a while, I know.  But guess what, I’ve got good news for you…..wait for it…..    
…………wait a lil more…..
……….!!!!Tadaaaaa!!!!!!                                                                                                                                  I’m officially a broadcast journalism graduate of The Nigerian Institute of Journalism YAAAAYYYY!!!!!!.  I'm so excited about that, now I can stay committed to my blog and my readers.

         Now back to the business of the day. One of the most talked about issue all over various Nigerian social media platform that pricked me is the just concluded Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria (MBGN) beauty pageant organized by the Silverbird group. It was held in Bayelsa state on the 20th of July, 2013.                            This prestigious pageant is the first ever to produce an African Miss world from Nigeria, Agbani Darego. Certainly I expect nothing but topnotch production and professionalism in all they do but I’d like to vent a little about the turn out of the event.                                                                                                                     I got a tad bit suspicious about ‘their‘ winner of the most beautiful girl in Nigeria amongst the lot that contested. I'm allowed to, right? 

       First and foremost, it is not in doubt that the appointed MBGN 2013 winner, Anna Ebiere Banner is  stunningly beautiful  with an amazing smile but watching very closely you would agree with me that the 1st runner up, Miss Imo State,  Stephanie Okwu, has a very striking smile, represents the African woman  with her  dark skin tone, has the height of an international model and to top it up, she is articulate. At least I heard the both of them speak, so why didn’t she win instead?
2) Then also is the part where I need answers to my 5Ws' questions + How is it that a beauty pageant winner gets awarded the post of special adviser on tourism and culture to her state’s Governor at the same event? …a show of appreciation that she made her state proud?
3) It was held in Bayelsa state in collaboration with the Bayelsa state government…..and at the end of the pageant the crown was given to Miss Bayelsa  . Do we call it home advantage? You tell me.
Finally, what’s with the recent generation of beauty queens and English language issues? When the  MBGN2013 was asked who her role model is, she said ‘I look up to the president of Liberia…she is very fearful and fearless.’…………… at the same time??

Now to MY high points.
1) I liked the coordination of the hosts, Chioma Agwunobi and Chris Okenwa. They were obviously familiar with one another and they complemented each other.
2) Omotola Jalade Ekeinde’s speech was spot on. ‘give the Nigerian female child education not marriage’
3) The contestants’ swimwear,  colourful.
4) The children singing beautifully in the background, very creative.                                             
         A huge congratulations to all the winners though, make us proud.

The end

Do you agree with my opinion about the show, or do you have yours? Post your thoughts, views or opinions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Peace, love and ice-cream                                                                                                                       


Ghost said…
*yawn* Boring, blunder-filled irrelevant post.

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