Hiiiiiii Guys. Hope everyone is doing great. I’m sorry for abandoning the blog for so long AGAIN. I really try to do better but it’s not that easy………thanks for the mails and comments. I decided to blog this week by all means and I’m glad to be back. Everyone has this friend of the opposite sex who really understands you. The two of you can talk about anything, and you do. ‘We’re just friends’ you tell yourself but your boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse might think otherwise if he or she were privy to your lingering conversations. There’s a saying that goes ‘there’s no smoke without fire’. Sometimes or most times this sudden ‘close for comfort’ friendship begins from the desire for: Fulfillment : Simply put, attention from the opposite sex feels good. It flatters us to know that we are valued, and it makes us feel attractive. After dating or being married for a time, you might begin to find r...
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